Monday, January 25, 2010

Musiq SoulChild- Live @ The House of Blues 2/27/10

Perodically on this blog i plan to post different events and musical venues that are going on around the area, that i plan on attending. This particular concert is featuring one of my favorite if not my favorite neo-soul/r&b artist around-Musiq Soulchild. Its taking place on Feburary 27th @ The house Of Blues in Atlantic City. The show time is at 8pm and tickets run from 35 dollars to 70 dollars. Dinner specials available. This is definitly guranteed to be a good time people.

Lessons in Love...Where do I Register?

In my 22 years of living, through all of the relationships that have come and gone..passed and failed, after every stranger ive met that has turned to a friend...that turned into something much more.....and after all the miniscule dealings and flings inbetween, i can honestly say that I dont think ive ever been in love. Now im not talking about infactuation or puppy luv, no no, im talking about head over heels, thats all you can think about, heart aching,bringing her chicken on her lunch break everyday just because you know she loves hot wings,writing her name 200 times on a blank piece of paper just because you love the way it sounds in your head,recording all her shows on tivo so she doesnt miss them while shes at work,crazy,insane LOVE.I mean at first i thought to myself that it was the females, and that i just hadnt met that "right one" that would make me do all those crazy things you read about in the novels.But then i realized, ive been been involved with some very quality, beautiful women with career paths and good heads on their shoulders. Finally i think i have come to an ephiphany. Who says everyone automatically knows how to truly love someone? Maybe some people are born with this ability or aquire it at a very young age....and others, like me, need teaching. I know that for me, ive always been the type to initially let people in very easy, and once i sense stuff getting serious, i close up. This was something that has been with me at a young age and has stuck with me up until now.Up until now, i could never leave my heart with a stranger, essentially on a one way street headed for unknown danger. They say that when your in love you are truly blind to your direct surroundings. Well im the type of person that needs clear sight & vision at all times.Even when i used to play "pin the tail on the donkey" when i was younger,i used to pull the hankercheif off cuz i got seriously, maybe everybody just needs that person to take the time out to teach them how to be willing to walk into something blindly, holding their hand all the while.They say when you are the most vurnerable, you recieve the greatest blessing. Maybe one day i will have the strength and courage to take that walk. Is to too late for late registration??

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Swear To Tell The Truth & Nothing But The Truth(Sorta)

Hey U, She, He, Them, Somebody, Nobody, ANYBODY.This is my first blog that ive ever composed and thus im loosing my figurative blogging virginity....It feels so damn honestly i kinda of look at this to be a venue just to speak about anything that happens to be on my mind on any particular time of day. Whether it be political, social, emotional, critical, comical, whatever. I promise to keep it 100 with whatever I put up here..and hopefully yall can respect my matter how outlandish and extreme it may appear to be.Names will never be mentioned in any of my blogs just because....well that would be adding unnessecary bullshit to my life thats not, i dont think thats very nice. lol So it for whatever u want, all i ask is that you recieve it objectively.